This mixed berry Green Tea Smoothie recipe is tasty blend of chilled green tea, fresh squeezed orange juice, frozen mixed berries, frozen banana and...
This Pineapple Smoothie recipe has a rich and luscious tropical flavor that your whole family will love. It’s another one of our favorite smoothie recipes to...
This healthy Green Juice recipe is a delicious blend of kale, cucumber, celery, apple, pineapple, lemon and fresh ginger root. Enjoying a healthy green...
This banana Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins recipe is made with old fashioned rolled oats, bananas, blueberries, apple juice, honey and cinnamon. Enjoy them with a...
This Mediterranean Bowl recipe has a great assortment of ingredients like tri color quinoa, marinated beets, cucumber, chickpeas, Feta cheese, red onion, cherry tomatoes,...
I’m Deborah, the cook, writer and nutrition enthusiast behind The Harvest Kitchen. Here you will find real-food recipes for everyday life. The Harvest Kitchen has been featured in Country Living, Prevention, Huffington Post, Women’s Day, Four Seasons Hotel, Parade Magazine, Healthline, Purewow and more.