This Cilantro Ranch Dressing recipe is a quick and easy blend of mayonnaise, buttermilk, green onion, garlic, seasoning, cilantro and lime juice. If you...
This easy Coffee Smoothie recipe is nutritious, delicious and it’s a great way to start your day! It’s an easy-to-make coffee banana smoothie that’s made...
This Mascarpone Whipped Cream recipe is deliciously light and fluffy and serves well with cakes, fruit, parfaits and trifles, strawberry shortcake and more. Whipped...
I’m Deborah, the cook, writer and nutrition enthusiast behind The Harvest Kitchen. Here you will find real-food recipes for everyday life. The Harvest Kitchen has been featured in Country Living, Prevention, Huffington Post, Women’s Day, Four Seasons Hotel, Parade Magazine, Healthline, Purewow and more.